Go figure? Way to go!

VOLCANO is 100% Balinese Independent 24x7, commercial-free, via Smartphone, Laptop, Satellite, Cable TV, Apps, Car Radios, Smart TVs, Digital Streams, and even Inflight Audio. Our website (check the bio) explains how!

WOT!! Monday has rolled around already! Here is just a sample of the new stuff that Katie @katkills & Jongo @jongo_on_air have in their shows this week.

Have you ever watched the video for ROGRAG’s @rograg_official song “Hey Ho!!”? It illustrates their disgust for Balinese FM radio and the lame music being played on it! HA! VOLCANO is different to the other radio guys - we DO play ROGRAG! The dudes have a new EP out “Realita” (Reality) that tears into the greedy clowns digging up Indonesia with no regard to the changing climate or environmental impact. VOLCANO is spinning the track "Sirkus Politik" (Political Circus).

YUDYA @bagusyudya is Balinese, but he is also the co-founder of the J-Rock band HARU NO AME @harunoameofficial_? Go figure? Way to go! AYUDA is plugging away on solo work too with some help from members of NASTY CORE, CATUSPATA and BYU MEA. The result is a dream-chasing song, “Pain In Rain” - it’s spinning!

We know for a fact that fuzz rockers SOULJUMP Fucking Stoned @souljump.fuzzrock have been playing around. We have seen their name appearing randomly on gig posters, and we saw a photo of them recently at @lehaleha_bar. But these guys are a real HARDDAZED DIVISON. They seem to keep their movements a secret! One day VOLCANO will find them and catch ‘em live - meanwhile, we are spinning on-the-air "Sleep Paralyzed”.

Look up to the skies! RADIO OFF @radiofvckoff are also fucked off at the state of FM radio, but they always have a home here on VOLCANO! They are proudly celebrating Balinese culture and its importance through times of innovation and change. Their new single "Layang - Layang" (Kite) should be seen as well as heard. Catch the clip-on YouTube and hear it spin on VOLCANO!

VOLCANO’s art is by @rickybilly50. Download the posters in full resolution each week at www.radioseribatu.com


LUST, DESIRE, PAIN, – we have it all this week…


A Poppy Haircut, but umm, Look Behind You!